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n. (lb en rare) A transgender person.

Usage examples of "transgenderist".

In Houston, Phyllis Randolph Frye and others are presenting the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy, an annual symposium on the law as it relates to cross-dressers, transgenderists, and transsexuals.

While a CD or a transgenderist may experiment with female hormones, he usually discontinues them when he starts to lose his ability to have an erection.

Yet feminist thought contains an error comparable to that of transgenderist thought.

To expect the mainstream to radically reinterpret itself for the sake of transgenderist ideology is the sort of conceit typical of a member of any minority.

Some drag queens, transgenderists, and transsexuals use illegally purchased hormones without medical supervision.

This approach seems reasonable enough until one notes that male transgenderists take an intellectual leap by using the sex-gender argument to justify calling themselves women.

It gets so much scrutiny and blame because transgenderists are extremely sensitive to afflictions of gender.