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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transfix \Trans*fix"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transfixed; p. pr. & vb. n. Transfixing.] [L. transfixus, p. p. of transfigure to transfix; trans across, through + figere to fix, fasten. See Fix.] To pierce through, as with a pointed weapon; to impale; as, to transfix one with a dart.


vb. (present participle of transfix English)

Usage examples of "transfixing".

Thin bolts of energy stabbed through the barroom ceiling, transfixing people here and there like insects on pins.

Put off by the disappearance of the transfixing patterns, but awed by her intensity, they crowded forward, staring at the blank wall as if peering through dense fog for some miracle light of harbor.

Maia had to concentrate to keep the dazzling puzzle from transfixing her.

This one rippled on with gorgeously transfixing horror worthy of Sophocles, across years wracked with silent remorse, obsession, and pain.

They fell back from the railing, crying out as they clutched at transfixing arrows.

The fifteen beams transfixing the Leicester skyscraper swept through the lower eight stories which made up the sect’s headquarters.

Their plasma plumes stabbed out, twin incandescent spears transfixing the centre of the spaceport.

Its point penetrated the scales of the swimming fish, transfixing the creature completely.

He sat up on the ice, and as alertness washed hotly through him he became aware of the dagger transfixing his foot and the litter of lumber scuttling away from him to batter a couple of motionless human forms sprawled too far out to have been reached by the Antaeus chain.