n. (plural of transcript English)
Usage examples of "transcripts".
Mind Power steps are simple to follow and are based on verbal transcripts that are detailed to help you solve particular problems.
These transcripts, and how to prepare and use them to meet your particular needs, will be explained in the following chapters.
The steps are outlined in this chapter and detailed in the following ones containing transcripts for specific problems to be resolved.
The transcripts can be typed or written sheets you read to yourself, commit to memory, have a friend read to you, or recorded on an inexpensive tape or cassette recorder and played back.
Because you know your situation best, your own self-directed transcripts will help you resolve it the best way possible.
The sample Step Two transcripts in Chapters through 9 through 30 give examples of vivid directions you can use for many typical problems and situations.
By so doing you will get a much clearer idea of how transcripts are structured.
Total Mind Power techniques, plus an analysis of the medical literature suggests that for most situations transcripts be used daily for one week to start, then every other day for the second week, then once a week for the third week, and then as needed to maintain results.
And you may make transcripts for, and work on as many problems as you choose at any one time.
You may find as you prepare your transcripts that they can be shortened to as little as 15 minutes in all, but they do not need to exceed 45 minutes.
The following transcript, and all the transcripts in this book, have been carefully prepared to cover all the principles as outlined in this chapter.
These transcripts provide a practical, carefully thought out framework within which you can develop your own.
You may not think you are using Total Mind Power, but if you are following the procedures in this book, listening to your transcripts, then Total Mind Power is working for you.
Step Two transcripts you create for stopping pain will almost certainly be incorrect in a medical or anatomical sense, but that is unimportant as long as they make sense to you, making it possible to provide for your mind graphic directions it can understand and use to cut off pain from any part of your body.
If certain ailments have accompanied the aging process, incorporate specific transcripts to deal with those problems as well as with aging.