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n. (plural of transcription English)

Usage examples of "transcriptions".

But after trait transcription he could walk free in the air, observing the wide array of animals with similar trait transcriptions already out there.

But others were settling in here for good, giving themselves drugs and genetic transcriptions to adapt to the low g, to increase the sensitivity of their eyes, etc.

I am one of the few who saw even transcriptions on such things, except for foolhardy folk who still held out in Zone Amber.

The government monitored all stereocasts from Zone Red but the transcriptions were suppressed under the old Comstock "Indecency" Law -another example of "Mother-Knows-Best", though perhaps Mother did know best in this case.

The government monitored all stereocasts from Zone Red but the transcriptions were suppressed under the old Comstock “Indecency” Law -another example of “Mother-Knows-Best”, though perhaps Mother did know best in this case.