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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transcension \Tran*scen"sion\, n. [See Transcend.] The act of transcending, or surpassing; also, passage over. [Obs.]


n. 1 (context obsolete English) The act of transcending, or surpassing. 2 (context obsolete English) The act of passing over something.


Transcension is a 2002 science fiction novel by Damien Broderick. It follows the story of lawyer Mohammed Kasim Abdel-Malik who after being killed his body is placed in cryonic suspension his mind is used as a source for an artificial intelligence, Aleph.

Usage examples of "transcension".

But this scene occupies only a minuscule slice of what is otherwise a bang-up hybrid of Kabbalah and terrorists, transcension and realpolitik.