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vb. (en-third-person singular of: transcend)

Usage examples of "transcends".

This indeed is why we posit that which transcends Being, since Being and Substance cannot but be a plurality, necessarily comprising the genera enumerated and therefore forming a one-and-many.

The noosphere transcends but embraces the biosphere, which transcends but embraces the physiosphereone huge holistic and all-embracing system, stretching from here to eternity.

But since the noosphere transcends and includes the biosphere, there is no reason that the liberal cannot embrace the radical and then add its own extra demands.

Spirit infinitely transcends yet utterly includes the manifest worlda version of the position I am presenting here.

Its own biosphere is differentiated from the biosphere of those around itin other words, it transcends its embeddedness in the undifferentiated biosphere.

Reality with infinite attributes that infinitely transcends this world of nature, but totally pervades it and upholds it, then I agree entirely.

Why Spinoza feels that Spirit totally transcends the world but totally embraces it will become clearer, I believe, later in this chapter.

Nature, or the Spirit within and beyond, which transcends all, embraces all.

The Self is not this, not that, precisely because it is the pure Witness of this or that, and thus in all cases transcends any this and any that.

Self, ceaseless like the unbroken flow of water, is generated the natural or changeless state of nirvikalpa samadhi, which readily and spontaneously yields that direct, immediate, unobstructed and universal perception of Brahman, which transcends all time and space.

The Absolute in one sense transcends phenomena as is devoid of empiricality, and in a vital sense is immanent or identical with it as their reality.

But then, if The Good is an essence, and still more, if It is that which transcends all existence, how can It have any contrary?

Certainly this Absolute is none of the things of which it is the source--its nature is that nothing can be affirmed of it--not existence, not essence, not life--since it is That which transcends all these.

The Being projecting this Act transcends the Act so that Intellection is secondary to the Being in which it resides.

The difficulty is that we are unable to attribute causation either to the bodies of the heavenly beings or to their wills: their bodies are excluded because the product transcends the causative power of body, their will because it would be unseemly to suppose divine beings to produce unseemliness.