Crossword clues for tranny
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. 1 (context slang chiefly pejorative and offensive English) A transsexual, transgender or transvestite person, usually a transwoman. 2 (context colloquial English) Short form of transistor radio. 3 (context colloquial English) Short form of transmission in the automotive sense. 4 (context colloquial English) Short form of transformer.
Tranny (or trannies) may refer to:
Tranny is a slang term used chiefly to describe people who are transgender, transsexual, wearing drag, transvestites, or cross-dressers. The term is considered a slur by some transgender activists, such as Roz Kaveney. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) state that the term is "usually considered offensive and/or defamatory" by members of the transgender community. The trans and drag performer community is believed to have originated the term, and many members of the gay community feel the word is a term of endearment.
According to Kate Bornstein, a popular and controversial trans writer and performer, the word originated in Sydney, Australia, and was intended to unite trans people and drag queens under an umbrella term. However, this view has been widely rejected by trans advocates.
Usage examples of "tranny".
Give the Bronx to the trannies, fall back to Manhattan, If we consolidate our strength, we can hold some of downtown.
PT 94 shuddering as the gears of their trannies were thrown into reverse.
So, make sure your dinky new trannies work, and keep hold of the nice new binoculars MoD issued you, and - good luck.
The Tranny Man has to climb the hill into the hot steep thick of it, to find the man Wally Blum says will maybe work this weekend and pull the Tucson transmission.
The map that Wally Blum scribbled leads the Tranny Man and his pet up narrow cobblestone thoroughfares where trucks lurch loud between chuckholes.
By the time the American and his dog reach the place on the map, the Tranny Man is seeing spots and old Chief is peeing dust.
Wally shows up with two yellowtail and the Tranny Man accepts their invitation for supper.
The Tranny Man burrows under his pillow cursing the night, the dogs, the town, his crazy wife who had suggested in the first place coming to this thorny wilderness, goddamn her!
I am reminded of him by the Tranny Man -- not by the person himself but by certain things particular to this type of American: the erect exit, the wink, the John Wayne way he spoke to machinery and mechanics.
Hiro climbs in after it, joining Tranny, and starts attending to the motor.
The phone dropped from her shoulder and bounced off something, probably the handbrake, then got crushed against the seat as she rammed the tranny into a higher gear.
It took me three days to get a tranny shop to flush and refill the system, and for those three days the transmission slipped so badly that I nearly went crazy.
We believe that there may only be one tranny in each eight million people.