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train shed

alt. A building, adjacent to a railway station, covering the tracks and platforms with a roof. n. A building, adjacent to a railway station, covering the tracks and platforms with a roof.

Train shed

A train shed is a building adjacent to a station building where the tracks and platforms of a railway station are covered by a roof. It is also known as an overall roof. The first train shed was built in 1830 at Liverpool's Crown Street Station.

The biggest train sheds were often built as an arch of glass and iron, while the smaller were built as normal pitched roofs.

The train shed with the biggest single span ever built was that at the second Philadelphia Broad Street Station, built in 1891.

Usage examples of "train shed".

Their locomotive chugged off to the train shed, a long stone and brick building with a curious curved roof and a half-story lengthwise arcade, mostly devoted to windows, poised atop that.

Doc crossed the colored tile floor and ran out under the train shed.

He arrived just as the last few stragglers of the revels were fading away, presumably to emerge at the same moment in the great vaulted train shed of St Pancras station.

They were under a great shadowy train shed, where the lamps were already beginning to shine out, with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail’.

A few voices rang and echoed in a curious disembodied fashion under the subterranean train shed.

I moseyed on to the train shed, still with three minutes to go, and was about to glance over my shoulder to see what was keeping them when they passed me on the run, holding hands, daughter in front and pulling Mom along.

I followed them leisurely to the train shed, and ten minutes more saw us under way.

He went through the gate with me, and with five minutes to spare, we lounged and smoked in the train shed.