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a. beside a trail


Trailside: Make Your Own Adventure was the longest-running outdoor "how-to" adventure public television series. It aired in the USA on non-commercial public television stations, distributed first by American Public Television, Boston, and later by National Educational Telecommunications Association, Columbia, South Carolina.

Usage examples of "trailside".

I parked on a shoulder on Route 138 about a half mile from the Trailside Museum, took my raincoat from the backseat and carried it with me as I walked on down to the parking lot.

A bespectacled pilgrim seized a beef sandwich between his teeth so he could page through a trailside reference book, and the oblivious, easy extravagance of that soon galled a hungry woman.

In the early 1980s, some thought that the Zodiac and the Trailside Killer were one and the same.

I realized with a kind of dull shock that if his dreams of a string of trailside hostels had been realized this is precisely how they would have been.

I left my pack propped against a big rock at the trailside and went with our water bottles and the filter down to the pond edge and filled up.

Whitetip had leaped easily to the ground from the stone archway over the gates and now was at the place where the trailside fortifications ended, mindspeaking back to all of those whose minds could range him his personal reassurance that the way was clear, with no foemen to contest it.

One of you pull off to the trailside every ten li, and wait there, so your horses will be fresh tomorrow.

Feeling a tad better, but still cautious about someone cooking a pot of Mexican beans in the middle of nowhere, Longarm tethered the two mules to some trailside whitebark and eased forward alone, allowing the muzzle of the Big Fifty to lead the way as the trail wound through the hillside scrub.

Ticks dropped from trailside brush and attached themselves to him at hairline and pant waist and grew fat.

Morgan Leah stood at the edge of a trailside precipice and stared out from beneath the hood of his cloak.

There were no human trails here, no hikers, no trailside latrines, just thick, leafy forest and sun-starved undergrowth that swished and crackled despite their best efforts to keep quiet.

I, on the other hand, enjoyed trailside cookery and even traveled with a coffee grinder and green beans, which I roasted in a dry skillet until they were black and sweating a sheen of oil.

I left my pack propped against a big rock at the trailside and went with our water bottles and the filter down to the pond edge and filled up.