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trailer parks

n. (trailer park English)

Usage examples of "trailer parks".

What's yours—tract homes and shopping malls and trailer parks as far as the eye can see?

All around me was the most incredible natural beauty, but the landscape was constantly blemished by human intrusions-ugly trailer parks, untidy homesteads, even junkyards.

What's yourstract homes and shopping malls and trailer parks as far as the eye can see?

Incredibly, there are those walking among us who think this is wonderful news, and who are busily restructuring their banks, mapping new condominium clusters and dreaming up bigger and better trailer parks.

The Great Dismal Swamp has encroached and swallowed up trailer parks and houses and the few mills and factories on that side of the river.

The raging tornadoes that routinely sought vulnerable trailer parks across the plains states were unknown here in southern California, but summer heat made these blighted streets miserable enough until the next earthquake could do a tornado's work.

Once I was licensed and had set up an office of my own, I occupied a series of single- and double-wides in various Santa Teresa trailer parks, the last of these being the Mountain View Mobile Home Estates out in the suburb of Colgate.

Imagine: all the condos, the cheesy hotels, the trailer parks, the motor courts, the town houses, fucking Disney World—.

Imagine: all the condos, the cheesy hotels, the trailer parks, the motor courts, the town houses, fucking Disney Worlda ghost town, old pal.

Most of us headed back to whichever of the two trailer parks was their present temporary home.

He chose the scenic route next to the beach-the strip that ran for fifteen miles by the water and was lined on both sides with condos, cheap motels, trailer parks, vacation cottages, fast-food joints and T-shirt shops.

Because she had no friends, she turned all her energy and attention to her flowers and plants, spending hours creating gardens in the rough earth of trailer parks, boarding houses and cheap motels.

West chose The Firing Line on Wilkinson Boulevard, just past Bob's Pawn Shop, and a number of trailer parks, the Oakden Motel, Country City USA, and Coyote Joe's.