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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trail \Trail\ (tr[=a]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Trailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Trailing.] [OE. trailen, OF. trailler to trail a deer, or hunt him upon a cold scent, also, to hunt or pursue him with a limehound, F. trailler to trail a fishing line; probably from a derivative of L. trahere to draw; cf. L. traha a drag, sledge, tragula a kind of drag net, a small sledge, Sp. trailla a leash, an instrument for leveling the ground, D. treilen to draw with a rope, to tow, treil a rope for drawing a boat. See Trace, v. t.]

    1. To hunt by the track; to track.

    2. to follow behind.

    3. To pursue.

  1. To draw or drag, as along the ground.

    And hung his head, and trailed his legs along.

    They shall not trail me through their streets Like a wild beast.

    Long behind he trails his pompous robe.

  2. (Mil.) To carry, as a firearm, with the breech near the ground and the upper part inclined forward, the piece being held by the right hand near the middle.

  3. To tread down, as grass, by walking through it; to lay flat.

  4. To take advantage of the ignorance of; to impose upon.

    I presently perceived she was (what is vernacularly termed) trailing Mrs. Dent; that is, playing on her ignorance.
    --C. Bronte.


vb. (en-past of: trail)

Usage examples of "trailed".

As he finished one, he shoved that one after Dion, so that the adults trailed the children, while Aranur, in the end, dragged the crippled man.

The others trailed after, except for the one tall woman, who stood staring at the river.

Tomi trailed doggedly after, his thin hand gripping the edge of her cloak when the mass of people shifted thickly around them.

The words of one of the men trailed off in embarrassment, and Dion looked at him soberly.

Then she trailed Nori toward the corral as the wolfwalker tried to keep moving to keep her rubber legs stretched.

Gregory was riding up the slope, trailed by the half-dozen scouts who had been walking point.

On reaching the river about the middle of the forenoon, we trailed the cattle across in a long chain, not an animal being compelled to swim.

Powerless to render any assistance, we trailed away, glad to blot from our sight and memory such scenes of misery and death.

Sure enough, as we trailed out, the fiscal agent and the buyers were awaiting me.

What are you fooling along on our wagon track for, when you could have trailed the herd in a long lope?

Keeping them in sight, we trailed along leisurely, and as we went down the northern slope of the divide approaching the Republican River, we were overtaken at noon by Don Lovell and Dave Sponsilier.

His voice trailed off, and he stared at the second moon as it gleamed on the edge of the buildings.

Dark vees of water trailed downstream from each trunk, and as she watched, the branches shifted and trembled with the force of the water.

Why risk corning back every six months, to be found out by someone who saw or trailed him?

Under the pale stars the water shimmered, steely black in the shade of overhanging shore, dead silver in the center, where the fish swirled and the crocodiles trailed dimpling wakes.