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traffic lane

n. a lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane"

Usage examples of "traffic lane".

The red emergency lights and the radio siren had already cleared a hole for him in the traffic pattern and he eased back on the finger throttles as the patrol car sailed over the divider and into the blue traffic lane.

In the carport back of the duplex, she eased herself into the driver's seat of a tiny Cloudsplitter and turned it into an enclosed ground traffic lane.

A minute later, she turned the little car out into the traffic lane.

He strung them out along the freeway for fifty yards behind the Cadillac, closing off most of the nearest traffic lane.

The right rear tire scraped the edge of the curb before the sedan angled abruptly into the traffic lane and off through the night.

Perhaps, I told myself, I should set out some flags in the east-bound traffic lane to convey at least some warning that there was something wrong.

I swung to the right onto the shoulder, floored it past six or seven cars, then jerked it back into the traffic lane and then right again around a bread truck and into a Dairy Queen parking lot.

Father Willie warned, as a car sped by very close to the Matador which was stopped behind the Lincoln, three feet farther into the traffic lane to protect the approaching officer from being picked off by a motorist who might be driving HUA which meant: Head Up Ass.

Lula put the Firebird in reverse and cautiously inched back, staying to the shoulder, out of the traffic lane.

It smacked against the side of a building, nearly dislodging the Jedi, and when that didn't work, the clever droid dived back into the traffic lane, soaring behind a speeder, just above the vehicle's exhaust.

At this point Judy passed her first genuinely stalled car of the night, which blocked part of what was rapidly becoming a single northbound traffic lane.

The front wheels bumped up over the curb and dug in eagerly, eating lawn until the rear wheels were out of the narrow traffic lane.