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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
traffic cop
▪ As the reader might expect, I had my hands full acting like a traffic cop.
▪ Silicon Valley also is playing a major role in policing the Internet jam, like a traffic cop in downtown San Francisco.
traffic cop

n. a policeman who controls the flow of automobile traffic

Usage examples of "traffic cop".

A Russian officer took over as traffic cop, waving the Brad forward, then right toward the assembly area.

A traffic cop in San Jose saw a parked gray late-model Jag about a half hour ago.

I could pick out Don Grace, good old Tom Denver, and Jerry Kesserling, the traffic cop.

The bastards must have loved it, Jack thought bleakly, watching a traffic cop settling a dispute at a busy corner.

Or a communications officer getting in a fight with a traffic cop, both of whom had just received commendations several days before.

The mind-mother in Eddie's head spoke up at once, her voice as stern and commanding as the voice of a traffic cop: Don't you dare do it, Eddie!