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traffic control

n. control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city

Usage examples of "traffic control".

As the system works now, a flight under visual flight rules can enter the air traffic control system anywhere.

Suppose we reconfigure a dozen or so survey sats and tie their weather radar into the air traffic control net?

If you could take over the inspection of ship-to-surface shuttles and general traffic control, it would free up a lot of my NPA personnel.

He reminded himself that there would be ten people from his agency, six Brits, a liaison guy from the Bureau, and probably two or three State Police for traffic control on the road.

Hickam Field is Hawaii's main military air facility, but it shares runway space and air-traffic control with Honolulu International, so the Starlifter had to turn a wide weary circle above the sea, waiting for a JAL 747 from Tokyo to get down.

If you could take over the inspection of shiptosurface shuttles and general traffic control, it would free up a lot of my NPA personnel.

The traffic control outside the gate signaled a stop and she aged ten more years.