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Tradegood is a global sourcing community that connects buyers with suppliers across more than 100 countries. Tradegood was formerly known as iSupplier Intelligence (ISI).

The online community is a platform to introduce buyers and suppliers, as well as to make matches based on multiple points of compatibility.

Tradegood provides supplier evaluation services using more than 50 separate criteria, including operational history, employee numbers, regulatory compliance and environmental sustainability.

Some buyer and supplier groups are deploying Tradegood. These include Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), Fibre2Fashion, Trendstop, and other sourcing agents and companies.

Also launched together with Tradegood is the Tradegood Café, a brand-new and innovative concept, aims to build a relaxing and pleasant environment that incorporates product showcase, business partner matching and networking. Tradegood Café showroom is a featured element of the Tradegood ecosystem solution, which helps buyers find all kinds of new and green ODM products from suppliers.