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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tractation \Trac*ta"tion\, n. [L. tractatio.] Treatment or handling of a subject; discussion. [Obs.]

A full tractation of the points controverted.
--Bp. Hall.

Usage examples of "tractation".

Certes he regardeth neither wolf, bear, nor lion, and therefore may well be compared with those two dogs which were sent to Alexander out of India (and procreated as it is thought between a mastiff and a male tiger, as be those also of Hircania), or to them that are bred in Archadia, where copulation is oft seen between lions and bitches, as the lion is in France (as I said) between she wolves and dogs, whereof let this suffice, sith the further tractation of them doth not concern my purpose, more than the confutation of Cardan's talk, De subt.