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n. (plural of tracksuit English)

Usage examples of "tracksuits".

We'd wear tracksuits, gloves, beanies, scarves, anything to keep warm,' she says.

Land Rovers were turning up with people in tracksuits and flak jackets.

They only had to wear their tracksuits underneath and could lie out in the mess all day if they had to.

Two men in tracksuits arranged not windscreen wipers, but whole windscreens, and not merely carved out of some poor sod's car but new, straight from the assembly line.

Their log showed that two officers in tracksuits had gone jogging that morning but only one had returned.

So the curtains were drawn aside, and Raed peered at the hundred-odd cages across the main floor, which were again all occupied by volunteers, some in jumpsuits, some in tracksuits, some in regular clothes.

Black tracksuits weren't the usual dress for the after-work crowd on the Street, even at Fernways, which catered to the younger up-and-coming setalthough the suit had a sort of shimmery quality to it up close.

In another, a hundred youths in black tracksuits stretched, twisted and touched their toes in perfect obedience to shouted commands.