- ''Happy Birthday __''
- Words with "Happy birthday"
- Words in a toast
- Toaster's phrase: 2 wds
- Toast words
- The Carpenters' 'Close --'
- Piece of toast?
- Part of an in-person dedication
- Gift tag
- End of a toast
- Beatles "From Me ___"
- "Would I lie ---?"
- "Run ___" (Whitney Houston)
- "Nuts ___!"
- "I should have made my way straight __ long ago": Whitman
- "Here's ---!"
- "Happy birthday ___..."
- "Happy birthday __ . . ."
- "And here's ---, Mrs. Robinson ..."
- 'Just listen --!'
- "Nuts ___!" ("Phooey!")
- "Happy birthday" follow-up
- "Happy birthday ___"
- "What's it ___?"
- Conclusion of "Happy Birthday"
- "Happy birthday" follower
- End of a "happy birthday" message
- Toast words after "Here's"
- End of many a toast
- "Close ___," 1963 song
- "Close ___," 1970 hit song
- Appropriate dedication for this puzzle
- "And the same ___"
- "Close ___," pop song
- Common toast
- "Would I lie ___?"
- Toaster's phrase
- Foghat "I Just Want to Make Love ___"
- Brief toast
- "What's it __?"