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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Toxicological \Tox`i*co*log"ic*al\, a. [Cf.F. toxicologique. ] Of or pertaining to toxicology. -- Tox`i*co*log"ic*al*ly, adv.


a. of or pertaining to toxicology


adj. of or relating to toxicology [syn: toxicologic]

Usage examples of "toxicological".

Furthermore, I've ordered the techs not to process the slides, the cultures, or the toxicological samples.

As soon as she had composed herself, she retrieved the tissue specimens, the cultures, and the toxicological samples she had taken from Mary Ann.

She then carefully packed the cultures and the toxicological material and sent them to the department where she'd trained in Boston.

Blood samples, tissue cross-sections, the whole nine yards are being run through every toxicological test I can think of.

As far as I could see he hadn't a single symptom in common with Smithy and Oakley: so much for the toxicological experts and their learned textbooks.

I glanced idly at the small table where I'd left the toxicological books that I had been consulting and my tiredness very suddenly left me.

I thought there was some possibility that he might have been under the influence of some self-administered drug, and I requested the toxicological tests as an extra precaution.