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In Greek mythology, the name Toxeus (Τοξεύς) refers to:

  • A son of Thestius, brother of Althaea, who participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar. He was angry that the prize of the boar's hide had been given to a woman ( Atalanta) by his nephew Meleager, who then killed him in the ensuing argument.
  • A son of Oeneus and brother of Meleager (which makes him a nephew of the other Toxeus). He was killed by his father for overleaping the trench which had been dug around Calydon. (This is paralleled by Remus overleaping that of Rōmulus. Cf. also the story of Poemander).
  • A son of Eurytus, brother of Clytius and Molion. All three were slain by Heracles.