n. A woman who is a resident of a town, especially of one's own town.
Usage examples of "townswoman".
Widamer, that emissary from the Visigoth court at Tolosa, because his visit to his cousin Theodoric at Novae had involved him first in some felicitous hours with a townswoman named Veleda, and then in an equivocal encounter with a herizogo named Thorn.
From the look of her she was a townswoman, respectable and not too well-to-do, though not poverty-stricken either.
In the second volley, when the Simes were upon them, one townswoman went down, dead, caught full in the face.
A passing townswoman volunteered the information that a couple of the local lads had gotten into a bit of a fight, which had ended when a candlelantern got knocked into the straw on the floor.
Even though Rhonin did pay her well for her time, he very much suspected that the townswoman would have volunteered anyway, so much had she taken to his wife.
She was thickset and solid, a true townswoman with square, short-fingered, capable hands.
Brown had left off her heavy paint and now she looked much like a respectable townswoman should, dressed in a fine but practical gown of dark green wool, a fichu firmly tucked into her capacious bosom.
Nerissa was a townswoman, accustomed to walking no farther than from one side of the City of York to the other, with an occasional stroll along the river or the city walls of a Sunday.
Mycelle knew the townswomen must think her daft to travel alone through the streets of Port Rawl, even here in the tamest section of the town.
And before the night was over he danced with a number of townswomen and several of the female mages, including Alayna once, although only briefly, and only because that particular dance involved the frequent exchange of partners.
As she made her way through the jumble of wood piers, houses, stairways, shops, and rickety bridges, the various townswomen she knew stuck their heads out of windows to hail her or came out to stand in their doorways and wave.
I did speak with some of the townswomen and did ask them to intercede for us with the Spirit Talker.
Maia ran naked past loading cranes and moored ships, to amazed looks from sailors and townswomen alike.