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n. (plural of township English)

Usage examples of "townships".

Forestdale she flew the rotor manuallyslowly, marveling at the mudslides and the townships drowned in dust.

The proceeds of the sales were to be invested and used for the support of religion, under the direction of the legislature within the townships in which the reserves were located.

And the gifts to the various townships have been by no means of the same size, measured in terms of revenue for school purposes.

Under the aegis of the sorcerer Orogastus, Labornoki forces had quickly reduced the hill forts to rubble, sacked the nearby Dylex townships and sent their inhabitants fleeing to the remote eastern counties, and come almost without hindrance to the outer bulwarks of the ancient Citadel itself.

Engine and Ladder Company Number 14 called in fire companies from neighboring townships to fight the multiple blazes burning throughout Windale.

Above all, it is not the case in the new townships that have developed as a result of cheap motor cars and the southward shift of industry.