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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Townlet \Town"let\, n. A small town.
--North Brit. Rev.


n. A small town

Usage examples of "townlet".

But by evening, as the sky outside turned red and the racing townlet started to slow, he had made a gap just wide enough to get his head through.

Why on earth would Crawley or Purley Spokes be chasing a townlet into the dreaded Rustwater Marshes?

The exhausted townlet had blundered into a sinkhole and the suburb hit it side-on without bothering to slow its thunderous speed.

Tom and Hester watched in horror as the dismantling-engines went to work, ripping the townlet into heaps of scrap without even bothering to let the survivors off.

The, horses paced into the sprawling townlet that had grown up around the fortress-become-manorhouse.

And yet he had effected the change without leaving the penurious little Irish townlet of Dunsloe, which could have been bought outright for a quarter of the sum which he had earned during the single day that he was within its walls.

Off to the side, I caught sight of townlet after townlet encased in darkness, illuminated only by rows of street lamps.

In front, amid radiating lines of poplars, lay the riverside townlet of Cardillac--gray walls, white houses, and a feather of blue smoke.

Indignation meetings were held in every little townlet and cattle camp on the Karoo.

But the courage of the troops who held the shell-torn townlet, and the confidence of the public who watched them, never faltered for an instant.

Around the townlet were cleared fields, each small plot owned by a freeholder.

The most charitable and upright of men, the two brothers, Louis and Rupert, had built up a business which extended its ramifications into every townlet of four counties.

But when the soul of Mike rises to the sublime conception of a loan of five pounds he dismisses the old-fashioned usurer, and hies him to one of the branch banks which abound in every petty townlet in Western and Southern Ireland.

I am told that the duty on the spirits sold in that cheerful townlet exceeds the whole annual value of the barony of Iveragh, and can bear witness to the convergence of the surrounding population on market day.

Out-Country on foot, jumping aboard little townlets in the hope it would be London that scoffed them.