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n. (plural of torrent English)

Usage examples of "torrents".

It actually takes him weeks to find out that it is those persecuting torrents that have been making all the mischief.

Eight or nine months after the distress of the torrents had departed from me, the roar and thunder of the streets of Paris brought it all back again.

For a while the whole region about us seemed as bright as day, and yet the rain was falling in torrents all the time.

Either that is the case or they empty the spring milkings into the mountain torrents and then skim the Rhine all summer.

The other nine were still hidden behind the veiling torrents of released coolant.

The rain fell in such torrents that the town was scarcely visible through it.

The mountain roared like some enormous monster, and vomited red smoke, mingled with torrents of sooty flame.

But Paganel dreamed of water all night, of torrents and cascades, and rivers and ponds, and streams and brooks--in fact, he had a complete nightmare.

The heavy vapors, generated by the high temperature of the preceding days, hung in thick clouds, which ere long would empty themselves in torrents of rain.

Before two hours the cataracts of the sky opened and deluged the plain in true tropical torrents of rain.

A miserable fire of grass was kindled, which gave out more smoke than heat, and was very difficult to keep alight, as the torrents of rain which dashed against the ruined cabin outside found their way within and fell down in large drops from the roof.

All day long, even all night, regardless of the torrents of rain and the dashing waves, he stayed on the poop, sometimes leaning on the rail, sometimes walking to and fro in feverish agitation.

All night long, and fanned by the tempest in the upper sky, the crater never ceased to pour forth its torrents with a violence that alarmed Glenarvan.

And she drenched her bosom with ceaseless tears, which flowed in torrents as she sat, bitterly bewailing her own fate.

On these occasions the torrents of rain had been so heavy that the ship had appeared to be in the very midst of a whirlpool of vapour, and it was impossible to see a yard ahead.