vb. (present participle of torque English)
Usage examples of "torquing".
The venator made a querulous clucking noise, then shrieked again as the cage slid on its bottom plate, caught once more, and toppled from the side of the truck, torquing the runway.
Once more, the fearsome twang of torquing metal punctuated the rumble of the ghost train.
He leaped into the hall, torquing his body from side to side, ready to jump if he had to.
The blond man was fighting back, torquing his body up, his powerful arms struggling against Metcalfe, but the wind had been knocked out of him.
Metcalfe kicked at the ferocious beast, torquing his body to loosen its monstrous jaws.
He began instead to twist it left and right, back and forth, thereby torquing her body and putting stress on her wrists.
He reached inside his saddlebags, retrieved a pair of torquing tools, and, inserting them almost by feel, delicately twisted first the left, then the right until.
A sudden pong, followed by a nerve-jangling squeal, as of metal torquing violently, passed through the copper room.
Daeman paused in his screaming as the chairs tilted forward more wildly and the forcefield pressed him down into the cushions and straight-backed chair more fiercely, and in that second of pause he noticed that the torquing shaft of energy along which they were sliding ended in that glowing city on the giant slab of rock.
A continuation of the same motion sent the American's hand around the Iraiina's arm, locking it under his armpit and torquing it up with the elbow locked against its natural bend.