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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tormentil \Tor"men*til\, n. [F. tormentille; cf. Pr., It., & NL. tormentilla, Sp. tormentila; all fr. L. tormentum pain. So called because it is said to allay pain. See Torment.] (Bot.) A rosaceous herb ( Potentilla Tormentilla), the root of which is used as a powerful astringent, and for alleviating gripes, or tormina, in diarrhea.


n. A low-growing herb ((taxlink Potentilla erecta species noshow=1)).

Usage examples of "tormentil".

A red dead-nettle, a mauve thistle, white and pink bramble flowers, a white strawberry, a little yellow tormentil, a broad yellow dandelion, narrow hawkweeds, and blue scabious, are all in flower in the lane.

Gentian with equal parts of Tormentil or galls has been used with success for curing intermittent fever.