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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tormenter \Tor*ment"er\, n.

  1. One who, or that which, torments; a tormentor.

  2. An executioner. [Obs.]


n. (alternative spelling of tormentor English)

  1. n. someone who torments [syn: tormentor, persecutor]

  2. a flat at each side of the stage to prevent the audience from seeing into the wings [syn: tormentor, teaser]

Usage examples of "tormenter".

She sank down dead, and as she did so, to my terror and dismay, Mahomed, by a superhuman effort, burst from his tormenters, and, springing high into the air, fell dying upon her corpse.

The elephant whirled this way and that, lunging at its circle of tormenters with short and astonishingly swift charges.

She might be running still, but her Unseelie tormenters had released her.

Her soul was in the hands of her tormenters, just as surely as those of the unfortunate sea elves in distant Ascarle, who were locked for eternity in a prison made of wool and silk.

Beautiful and imperious even at age seven, she sent his tormenters fleeing with a single glance.

Scores of Sangrans hung screaming from their crosses, but scores more had broken free, stabbed their tormenters, were freeing other men, grabbing the weapons of the fallen, lashing out blindly in all directions.

Bound and bleeding from wounds, they were pushed along at the end of the pack and guarded by tormenters who jabbed them with dagger points, laughing and jeering at them in the hoarse dwarf tongue.

Antonia, once biscop of Mainni, had endured her captivity in silence, but that did not mean she had not planned out in explicit detail the punishment she, and God, would inflict on her tormenters once she was free.

The bolt burned across the back of one of Robin's tormenters and the Deino screeched and leapt away, whirling to face the source of its pain.

He was slumped over now, and I knew he was taking what respite he could while his tormenters were gone.