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a. Lit by torches.

Usage examples of "torchlit".

He was perhaps seventeen, gray-eyed, black-haired, darkly bronzed, and he moved on the torchlit dancing ground with the sudden supple grace of a silverback cat.

Within a torchlit area, ten pairs of men clad in weighted brigandines and full-face helms stamped and shouted and swung blunted swords, under the watchful eyes of a scar-faced weapon master, whose hoarse bellows of instruction or reprimand rang even above the din of the mock combats.

Kamahl stood at the height of the torchlit coliseum and gazed i down toward the sands.

He had been locked in airborne combat above the torchlit palace of his archfoe, Prince Mark of Tasavalta.

She aspersed her thrice—on bosom, loins, and knees—and then resumed her muttered litany, while Lessnya echoed her (or else snored) and the Mouser and Fafhrd stole on along the torchlit corridor.

The hallway led down flights of stairs, became torchlit as the chevroned windows disappeared.

At first it was quite dark, with the morning brightness filtering down only a short way, but gradually the steps opened out on to a broad torchlit corridor.

As you all know, the courtyard will be torchlit, should any guest, dissatisfied with your erotic response, desire to have you flogged on the gallows.

Cadfael was still in a daze when he heard them come, and stirred himself to go out and witness the torchlit bustle in the court, the glimmer on the coats of the horses, the jingle of harness, bit and spur, the cheerful and purposeful hum of entwining voices, the hissing and crooning of the grooms, the trampling of hooves and the very faint mist of warm breath in the chilling but frostless air.

The signboard swung in the gusts, invitingly torchlit, its prom-ise of warmth and comfort depicted in gilt letters and a brightly painted bullfrog with a tankard.

She found the Grinning Eel in a reasonably uncongested area, a large walled establishment much like Nossik's, torchlit now, the flickering red light making the Grinning Eel look like he was flexing his loops and laughing at whoever rode through the arch beneath his swinging sign.