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n. (plural of topsail English)

Usage examples of "topsails".

I am, I could see his water line, when he clued his topsails up, shutting in Sepet.

The MACQUARIE stood out to sea on the larboard tack, under all her lower sails, topsails, topgallants, cross-jack, and jib.

British fleet prepared to force that passage where, till now, all ships had vailed their topsails to the flag of Denmark.

The merchant captains could see the topsails of pirate ships over the dunes and get away in time.

The topsails filled with sounds like the reports of cannon: the sun was blotted out and the wind screamed through the rigging in gusts that were half air, half stinging, horizontal rain.

Hove-to under her topsails, she was a good mile offshore by now, and the cutter was a long time pulling out to her.

Next day the glass fell all day, and the captain said he should double-reef topsails at nightfall, for something was brewing.