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n. (plural of topology English)

Usage examples of "topologies".

It meant foregoing sea cliffs for seminar rooms, but in the rainy seasons he had done it, sitting in on the group’s afternoon meetings, listening to the presentations and the discussions afterward, studying the scrawled math on the screens and spending his mornings working on Riemann surfaces, Lie algebras, Euler numbers, the topologies of compact six-dimensional spaces, differential geometries, Grassmannian variables, Vlad’s emergence operators, and all the rest of the mathematics necessary to follow what the current generation was talking about.

It meant foregoing sea cliffs for seminar rooms, but in the rainy seasons he had done it, sitting in on the group's afternoon meetings, listening to the presentations and the discussions afterward, studying the scrawled math on the screens and spending his mornings working on Riemann surfaces, Lie algebras, Euler numbers, the topologies of compact six-dimensional spaces, differential geometries, Grassmannian variables, Vlad's emergence operators, and all the rest of the mathematics necessary to follow what the current generation was talking about.

And when they'd cooled, the shapes into which they'd frozen had just happened to favor topologies close to a certain ten-dimensional total space-one which gave rise to particles like quarks and electrons, and forces like gravity and electromagnetism.

Isolated-point topologies were "spaces" where nothing actually touched anything else.

When you summed something over all the topologies, you multiplied each contribution to the infinite sum by a "measure" of "how big" the topology was .

The medusa s knot of transparent tentacles opened up around us, writhing like the pathological topologies of pre-space, like the vacuum come to life.

It was a sum over mutually contradictory topologies which left the calculus of pre-space for dead.

Firing torpedoes required complex shield topologies that made them more susceptible to destruction, so it was their corvette and cruiser outriders that wielded torpedoes.

It left angular bubbles whose tilted walls were defined by the clean topologies of close packing and surface tension.

Now, things have got to be rightpsychophysical profile, age, neural map topologies, neural transmitter distributions and densities.