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n. (plural of topographer English)

Usage examples of "topographers".

On the night of May 18, the marquis discovered a ford across the Schuylkill that had escaped the notice of British topographers, and he led his detachment to safety with a trifling loss.

On Wednesday a group of engineers, agronomists, hydrologists, topographers, and surveyors arrived who for several weeks explored the places where Mr.

Brown, were the solemn lawyers dressed in black who in different times had followed Colonel Aureliano Buendía everywhere, and that led the people to think that the agronomists, hydrologists, topographers, and surveyors, like Mr.

Among these were all sorts of implements used by geologists, topographers, prospectors, and miners, as well as revolvers, guns, rifles, and fishing outfits on the wall, either checked here or left in lieu of payment.

Still, as they found out to their sorrow and frustration, there was a vast divide between what predark topographers printed on paper and the ruined reality.