Crossword clues for tonier
a. (en-comparative of: tony)
See tony
Usage examples of "tonier".
The Thirty-fourth Precinct still housed some elegant old apartment buildings, but it was not one of the tonier neighborhoods of the city.
Some of the tonier saloons in Denver had taken to keeping their kegs on ice, which made a beer all the more welcome during the heat of summer.
Like the other staff in the pub, he was wearing a light blue vest and white wing collar, as though Tallon drew no distinction between the level of service provided his local trade and the international guests on the tonier side of the building.
They live in one of our tonier suburbs with their four perfect children.
The well-to-do wore thermally adaptive clothes for the first time, which left the tonier shopping districts looking as if they had been invaded by aliens in polyester jogging suits and respirators, while the rest of us beetled down the street in bulging parkas or stuck as close as possible to the skywalks.
Bankers and analysts in their twenties, the men dapper and suited, the women perfectly made up, in heels and skirts, spilled out of the tonier places.
The real murder police worked the tonier grids and had the terror watch, which sucked resources like a starving baby.
There might have been better houses elsewhere in the tonier parts of town, catering discreetly to the native nabobs and unknown to the transient element.