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tongue depressors

n. (tongue depressor English)

Usage examples of "tongue depressors".

McCov's eyes dropped to Sarek's bed, took in the deck of cards, the piles'of tongue depressors.

There wasn't much else: the office scale, my examining-table, an enamelled white wall cabinet of bandages, adhesive tape, iodine, mercuro-chrome, merthiolate, tongue depressors.

At last she came to the wooden tongue depressors, the gauze bandages, a small pair of scissors, a box of wide Band-Aids, and a bottle of iodine and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

You can't let this stuff touch your skin, so we use tongue depressors to smear it on.

I got up and went to rummage through my medical chest for a linen bandage and one of the long, flat wood chips I used as tongue depressors.

He had tongue depressors in the basement to use for splints on her little broken leg, and a tube of Sting-Eez to take the hurt away if the stupid thing scratched her thrashing around before it died.

They transferred the specimen quickly with a pair of wooden tongue depressors, and Dicken sealed the box with packing tape.

Here too were the mundane tools of the criminalist's trade: goggles, latex and cut-resistant gloves, beakers, screwdrivers and pliers, postmortem finger spoons, tongs, scalpels, tongue depressors, cotton swabs, jars, plastic bags, examining trays, probes.

She remembered stapling seed packets to tongue depressors and sticking them into the earth where they'd planted the seeds the envelopes contained.

In addition to an array of syringes, a bottle of glucose for the IV tree, a packet of tongue depressors, a penlight, a device for examining eyes, and many small bottles of various drugs, the instrument tray on the cart held a pair of surgical scissors.