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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tombac \Tom"bac\, n. [Pg. tambaca,tambaque, fr. Malay tamb[=a]ga copper; cf. Skr. t[=a]mraka; cf. F. tombac.] (Metal.) An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling brass, and containing about 84 per cent of copper; -- called also German brass or Dutch brass. It is very malleable and ductile, and when beaten into thin leaves is sometimes called Dutch metal. The addition of arsenic makes white tombac. [Written also tombak, and tambac.]


n. (alternative form of tombak English)


n. an alloy of copper and zinc (and sometimes arsenic) used to imitate gold in cheap jewelry and for gilding [syn: tombak, tambac]


Tombac, as it is spelled in French, or Tombak, is a brass alloy with high copper content and 5-20% zinc content. Tin, lead or arsenic may be added for colouration. It is a cheap malleable alloy mainly used for medals, ornament, decoration and some munitions. In older use, the term may apply to brass alloy with a zinc content as high as 28%-35%.