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Tolibut, also known as 3-(p-tolyl)-4-aminobutyric acid (or β-(4-methylphenyl)-GABA), is drug that was developed in Russia. It is an analogue of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (that is, a GABA analogue) and the 4-methyl analogue of phenibut, and is also an analogue of baclofen where the 4-chloro substitution has been replaced with a 4-methyl substition. Tolibut has been described as possessing analgesic, tranquilizing, and neuroprotective properties. It is not fully clear as to whether the drug was ever approved or used medically in Russia, though it may have been. Tolibut probably acts as a GABA receptor agonist similarly to phenibut and baclofen.