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toilet bowl

n. the bowl of a toilet that can be flushed with water

Toilet Bowl

Toilet Bowl may refer to:

  • Toilet, a sanitation fixture used primarily for the disposal of human excrement and urine
  • A poorly played college football game, especially the 1983 Oregon State vs. Oregon football game
  • Toilet Bowl is a natural large tidepool at Hanauma Bay, on Oahu, Hawaii

Usage examples of "toilet bowl".

For twelve months now all I have done is stuffed myself, puked wretched collages in the toilet bowl, swallowed 1000 tranquilizers without water, stared at the idiot-box, coddled myself, and watched the snakes grow larger inside my head while waiting for the clockhand to turn.

It seemed the Brits believed you had central heating as long as you didn't have to piss away a scrim of ice in the toilet bowl when you got up in the morning.

It writhed and twisted in his hands, trying to get the suction cups on him, but Howard resisted with all his strength and was able to get the baby, this time headfirst, into the toilet bowl.

He stepped up to the toilet bowl and urinated into the small pool of dark muddy-looking water.

Someone to drive the car, do the marketing, wash out the toilet bowl, do the taxes.

A commercial was on now, two dancing bottles of toilet bowl cleaner.

The gun stuck through the hole aims around, blind, pointing at my feet, pointing at my chest, my head, the stall door, the toilet bowl.

The tirade was delivered to the accompaniment of a steady stream of urine splashing into the toilet bowl.

My friend had time to flick her cigarette into the toilet bowl and flush.

The moment my head banged against the toilet bowl, I knew where I was.