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ToDDaSO was an electronic payments service in the UK for the transfer of retail customer payment arrangements between different bank accounts in UK banks. ToDDaSO is an acronym that stands for Transfer of Direct Debits and Standing Orders.

The service allowed UK retail banks to electronically request the transfer of direct debit and standing order payments arrangements, on behalf of new customers, wishing to transfer payment arrangements from a previous bank accounts. The scheme was also known as the Inter Bank Transfer of Direct Debit Instructions service and is governed by BACS (also known as Voca), the UK's automated payments clearing scheme.

ToDDaSO is also commonly referred to in the UK as the Switching Bank Account Service.

As of the end of 2014 the ToDDaSO system has been made defunct with the new Current Account Switch Service (CASS) and the Partial Account Switching Service taking over its role in account switching.