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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Toboggan \To*bog"gan\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Tobogganed; p. pr. & vb. n. Tobogganing.] To slide down hill over the snow or ice on a toboggan.


vb. (en-past of: toboggan)

Usage examples of "tobogganed".

I'd fucked my back, too, out on the deckand there was this incredible welt up the rear of my thigh where I'd fallen and tobogganed across the mat on my can for a few yards, wrong-footed by Fielding.

A large snow castle was built and besieged, and every so often we tobogganed down the slopes.

It pivoted on the tunnel protuberance, picked up speed and tobogganed down the slope.