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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To scare away

Scare \Scare\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scared; p. pr. & vb. n. Scaring.] [OE. skerren, skeren, Icel. skirra to bar, prevent, skirrask to shun, shrink from; or fr. OE. skerre, adj., scared, Icel. skjarr; both perhaps akin to E. sheer to turn.] To frighten; to strike with sudden fear; to alarm.

The noise of thy crossbow Will scare the herd, and so my shoot is lost.

To scare away, to drive away by frightening.

To scare up, to find by search, as if by beating for game.

Syn: To alarm; frighten; startle; affright; terrify.

Usage examples of "to scare away".

And his father's scare gun firing at intervals throughout the lightning-ribbed night to scare away all predators .

The ground was freshly turned, and there were stick people to scare away the birds when the seed was planted.

Surely they were anything but `ordinary people' - but perhaps they didn't want to scare away potential members.

Then they kept guard over the real El Dorado to scare away anybody who stumbled on it by mistake.