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to pieces

prep.phr. 1 (context idiomatic English) Completely, utterly. 2 (context idiomatic English) Into fragments or parts. 3 (context idiomatic English) Out of control. 4 (context idiomatic English) Into a state of emotional breakdown.

Usage examples of "to pieces".

I tore the picture of Marcella to pieces and got rid of it and then I went to the medicine cabinet and got a razor blade, and before I knew it I slit my arm below the elbow, but not deeply so that it was only blood and no pain.

In the end, Khelben destroyed the Crown of Horns, reducing it to pieces.

I said very quietly, and then deliberately tore the note to pieces, just as I had done with the document that I'd snatched from Sharee's hands.

It was the remains of an historical dwelling, ivy-clad, and now falling to pieces.

They had kept it too long and it had gone to pieces and lost its quality and color.

And the proles certainly couldn't be allowed to be in charge or everything would come to pieces.

Down below were the treacherous rocks, where old wooden sailing ships had been dashed to pieces in the days before the lighthouse was built.

General Dornberger picked up Grillparzer's letter, folded it in thirds, as it had been in the envelope, and then slowly and methodically tore it to pieces.

Wild, vicious sounds erupted from her as she fought to break free and reach the Warlord, who stared at her in shock while windows shattered, paintings crashed to the floor, plaster cracked as psychic lightning scored the walls, and the furniture was ripped to pieces.