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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To pay out

Pay \Pay\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Paid; p. pr. & vb. n. Paying.] [OE. paien, F. payer, fr. L. pacare to pacify, appease, fr. pax, pacis, peace. See Peace.]

  1. To satisfy, or content; specifically, to satisfy (another person) for service rendered, property delivered, etc.; to discharge one's obligation to; to make due return to; to compensate; to remunerate; to recompense; to requite; as, to pay workmen or servants.

    May no penny ale them pay [i. e., satisfy].
    --P. Plowman.

    [She] pays me with disdain.

  2. Hence, figuratively: To compensate justly; to requite according to merit; to reward; to punish; to retort or retaliate upon.

    For which, or pay me quickly, or I'll pay you.
    --B. Jonson.

  3. To discharge, as a debt, demand, or obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required; to deliver the amount or value of to the person to whom it is owing; to discharge a debt by delivering (money owed). ``Pay me that thou owest.''
    --Matt. xviii. 28.

    Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
    --Matt. xviii. 26.

    If they pay this tax, they starve.

  4. To discharge or fulfill, as a duy; to perform or render duty, as that which has been promised.

    This day have I paid my vows.
    --Prov. vii. 14.

  5. To give or offer, without an implied obligation; as, to pay attention; to pay a visit. Not paying me a welcome. --Shak. To pay off.

    1. To make compensation to and discharge; as, to pay off the crew of a ship.

    2. To allow (a thread, cord, etc.) to run off; to unwind.

      To pay one's duty, to render homage, as to a sovereign or other superior.

      To pay out (Naut.), to pass out; hence, to slacken; to allow to run out; as, to pay out more cable. See under Cable.

      To pay the piper, to bear the cost, expense, or trouble.

Usage examples of "to pay out".

Not that Im against that but we know the old General is poor, and cant afford to pay out fifty pounds.

If I had no reason to stop them, he said, his company was going to pay out $150,000 to Jack Dawson.