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To let fly

Fly \Fly\ (fl[imac]), v. i. [imp. Flew (fl[=u]); p. p. Flown (fl[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. Flying.] [OE. fleen, fleen, fleyen, flegen, AS. fle['o]gan; akin to D. vliegen, OHG. fliogan, G. fliegen, Icel. flj[=u]ga, Sw. flyga, Dan. flyve, Goth. us-flaugjan to cause to fly away, blow about, and perh. to L. pluma feather, E. plume. [root]84. Cf. Fledge, Flight, Flock of animals.]

  1. To move in or pass through the air with wings, as a bird.

  2. To move through the air or before the wind; esp., to pass or be driven rapidly through the air by any impulse.

  3. To float, wave, or rise in the air, as sparks or a flag.

    Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.
    --Job v. 7.

  4. To move or pass swiftly; to hasten away; to circulate rapidly; as, a ship flies on the deep; a top flies around; rumor flies.

    Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race.

    The dark waves murmured as the ships flew on.

  5. To run from danger; to attempt to escape; to flee; as, an enemy or a coward flies. See Note under Flee.

    Fly, ere evil intercept thy flight.

    Whither shall I fly to escape their hands ?

  6. To move suddenly, or with violence; to do an act suddenly or swiftly; -- usually with a qualifying word; as, a door flies open; a bomb flies apart. To fly about (Naut.), to change frequently in a short time; -- said of the wind. To fly around, to move about in haste. [Colloq.] To fly at, to spring toward; to rush on; to attack suddenly. To fly in the face of, to insult; to assail; to set at defiance; to oppose with violence; to act in direct opposition to; to resist. To fly off, to separate, or become detached suddenly; to revolt. To fly on, to attack. To fly open, to open suddenly, or with violence. To fly out.

    1. To rush out.

    2. To burst into a passion; to break out into license. To let fly.

      1. To throw or drive with violence; to discharge. ``A man lets fly his arrow without taking any aim.''

      2. (Naut.) To let go suddenly and entirely; as, to let fly the sheets.

To let fly

Let \Let\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Let ( Letted (l[e^]t"t[e^]d), [Obs].); p. pr. & vb. n. Letting.] [OE. leten, l[ae]ten (past tense lat, let, p. p. laten, leten, lete), AS. l[=ae]tan (past tense l[=e]t, p. p. l[=ae]ten); akin to OFries. l[=e]ta, OS. l[=a]tan, D. laten, G. lassen, OHG. l[=a]zzan, Icel. l[=a]ta, Sw. l[*a]ta, Dan. lade, Goth. l[=e]tan, and L. lassus weary. The original meaning seems to have been, to let loose, let go, let drop. Cf. Alas, Late, Lassitude, Let to hinder.]

  1. To leave; to relinquish; to abandon. [Obs. or Archaic, except when followed by alone or be.]

    He . . . prayed him his voyage for to let.

    Yet neither spins nor cards, ne cares nor frets, But to her mother Nature all her care she lets.

    Let me alone in choosing of my wife.

  2. To consider; to think; to esteem. [Obs.]

  3. To cause; to make; -- used with the infinitive in the active form but in the passive sense; as, let make, i. e., cause to be made; let bring, i. e., cause to be brought.

    This irous, cursed wretch Let this knight's son anon before him fetch.

    He . . . thus let do slay hem all three.

    Anon he let two coffers make.

  4. To permit; to allow; to suffer; -- either affirmatively, by positive act, or negatively, by neglecting to restrain or prevent.

    Note: In this sense, when followed by an infinitive, the latter is commonly without the sign to; as to let us walk, i. e., to permit or suffer us to walk. Sometimes there is entire omission of the verb; as, to let [to be or to go] loose.

    Pharaoh said, I will let you go.
    --Ex. viii. 28.

    If your name be Horatio, as I am let to know it is.

  5. To allow to be used or occupied for a compensation; to lease; to rent; to hire out; -- often with out; as, to let a farm; to let a house; to let out horses.

  6. To give, grant, or assign, as a work, privilege, or contract; -- often with out; as, to let the building of a bridge; to let out the lathing and the plastering. Note: The active form of the infinitive of let, as of many other English verbs, is often used in a passive sense; as, a house to let (i. e., for letting, or to be let). This form of expression conforms to the use of the Anglo-Saxon gerund with to (dative infinitive) which was commonly so employed. See Gerund, 2. `` Your elegant house in Harley Street is to let.'' --Thackeray. In the imperative mood, before the first person plural, let has a hortative force. `` Rise up, let us go.'' --Mark xiv. 42. `` Let us seek out some desolate shade.'' --Shak. To let alone, to leave; to withdraw from; to refrain from interfering with. To let blood, to cause blood to flow; to bleed. To let down.

    1. To lower.

    2. To soften in tempering; as, to let down tools, cutlery, and the like. To let fly or To let drive, to discharge with violence, as a blow, an arrow, or stone. See under Drive, and Fly. To let in or To let into.

      1. To permit or suffer to enter; to admit.

      2. To insert, or imbed, as a piece of wood, in a recess formed in a surface for the purpose. To let loose, to remove restraint from; to permit to wander at large. To let off.

        1. To discharge; to let fly, as an arrow; to fire the charge of, as a gun.

        2. To release, as from an engagement or obligation. To let out.

          1. To allow to go forth; as, to let out a prisoner.

          2. To extend or loosen, as the folds of a garment; to enlarge; to suffer to run out, as a cord.

    3. To lease; to give out for performance by contract, as a job.

    4. To divulge.

      To let slide, to let go; to cease to care for. [Colloq.] `` Let the world slide.''

Usage examples of "to let fly".

That Guy looked quite puzzled, however, for he had been pulling back his sword and preparing to let fly.

The guard who had shot still held the bow, as if he might have to let fly another arrow to finish the job.

The place turned out to be in the wrong part of Shropshire, damn it, and though he never damned his own property aloud, he was only waiting to get it off his hands, and then to let fly.