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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To hit out

Hit \Hit\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hit; p. pr. & vb. n. Hitting.] [OE. hitten, hutten, of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. hitte to hit, find, Sw. & Icel. hitta.]

  1. To reach with a stroke or blow; to strike or touch, usually with force; especially, to reach or touch (an object aimed at).

    I think you have hit the mark.

  2. To reach or attain exactly; to meet according to the occasion; to perform successfully; to attain to; to accord with; to be conformable to; to suit.

    Birds learning tunes, and their endeavors to hit the notes right.

    There you hit him; . . . that argument never fails with him.

    Whose saintly visage is too bright To hit the sense of human sight.

    He scarcely hit my humor.

  3. To guess; to light upon or discover. ``Thou hast hit it.''

  4. (Backgammon) To take up, or replace by a piece belonging to the opposing player; -- said of a single unprotected piece on a point.

    To hit off, to describe with quick characteristic strokes; as, to hit off a speaker.
    --Sir W. Temple.

    To hit out, to perform by good luck. [Obs.]