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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To go shares

Share \Share\, n. [OE. share, AS. scearu, scaru, fr. sceran to shear, cut. See Shear, v.]

  1. A certain quantity; a portion; a part; a division; as, a small share of prudence.

  2. Especially, the part allotted or belonging to one, of any property or interest owned by a number; a portion among others; an apportioned lot; an allotment; a dividend. ``My share of fame.''

  3. Hence, one of a certain number of equal portions into which any property or invested capital is divided; as, a ship owned in ten shares.

  4. The pubes; the sharebone. [Obs.]

    To go shares, to partake; to be equally concerned.

    Share and share alike, in equal shares.

Usage examples of "to go shares".

This however he could get over by arranging with a Tagarin Moor to go shares with him in the purchase of the vessel, and in the profit on the cargo.