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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To cradle a picture

Cradle \Cra"dle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cradled (-d'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Cradling (-dl?ng).]

  1. To lay to rest, or rock, as in a cradle; to lull or quiet, as by rocking.

    It cradles their fears to sleep.
    --D. A. Clark.

  2. To nurse or train in infancy.

    He that hath been cradled in majesty will not leave the throne to play with beggars.

  3. To cut and lay with a cradle, as grain.

  4. To transport a vessel by means of a cradle.

    In Lombardy . . . boats are cradled and transported over the grade.

    To cradle a picture, to put ribs across the back of a picture, to prevent the panels from warping.