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to advantage

adv. in a flattering way; "the dress brought out her figure to advantage"

Usage examples of "to advantage".

Which was why it was Tras, always head-up and looking out for any change he might turn to advantage, who first spotted the strange, triangular sails on the horizon.

Only in the open country, could such servants be used to advantage.

Only in the open country could such servants be used to advantage.

He would have to stay out of the other's reach and pray for an opening that would allow him to use his flimsy weapon to advantage.

He was clad in a buckskin suit, rather new, and it certainly showed off to advantage, compared with the ragged and soiled apparel Ellen remembered.

The herd must go through, and it must arrive in good shape and be sold to advantage .

True, there seemed to be no silver on this mineral poor world, but if there were, he could use it to advantage.

He was more than a mile in advance of the drive and from where he sat he could see it to advantage.