adv. unanimously; without exception.
adv. without exception; "voted for unionization to a man"
Usage examples of "to a man".
Faith Linden, a lonely spinster, engaged to a man who had no intention of ever marrying her.
Maybe she had been a housemaid behaving mischievously by waving to a man she recognised as a sailor and had been dragged back by the housekeeper or even by Moses.
The lady is closely connected to a man, her stepbrother in fact, who is a trusted friend of the Duke of Suffolk and his family.
He could have no loyalty to a man who had threatened Pen, a man whose ambition showed every sign of threatening the security of the kingdom.
He had no choice now but to offer his services to a man who had involved Pen in the serpentine undercurrents of conflicting diplomacies.
Few people realize just how much damage even an untrained dog can do to a man, and how quickly.
He turned to a man standing quietly in the darkness, just outside the open door at the rear of the truck.
Morgan recognized the kind of madness that came to a man when everything he had believed, every foundation of his world, disintegrated beneath his feet.
It had been a long time since she admitted something like that to herself-that she could be this attracted to a man again.
Martin is sending condolences to a man whose daughter is still alive .
Atlantic would seem pleasant compared to what I do to a man that crosses me!
She could not stay married to a man who had made the whole concept of their marriage a mockery and a sham.
In fact, she has asked me to go with her to England, assuming she can persuade the authorities to issue a passport to a man with no identification papers.
I have seen what happens to a man when a thin, hollow tube of glass is inserted into the penis and tapped lightly with a club.
Hartline smiled and nodded to a man standing by the door to the office.