Tkaronto is a Canadian drama film, which premiered in 2007 at the ImagineNATIVE Film and Media Festival in Toronto. Directed by Shane Belcourt, the film went into commercial release in the summer of 2008.
The film, named for the Mohawk word from which the city of Toronto derives its name, stars Duane Murray and Melanie McLaren as Ray Morrin and Jolene Peltier, who meet while in Toronto on business. Ray, a Métis cartoonist from Vancouver, is in town to pitch an animated series called Indian Jones to a television network, and Jolene, an Anishinaabe artist from Los Angeles, is in town to paint a portrait of Max ( Lorne Cardinal), a local aboriginal elder.
The film's cast also includes Cheri Maracle, Jeff Geddis, Mike McPhaden, Rae Ellen Bodie, Jonah Allison, Abby Zotz and Tricia Williams.