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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tittup \Tit"tup\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Tittupedor Tittupped; p. pr. & vb. n. Tittuping or Tittupping.] [Written also titup.] [Cf. Teeter.] To behave or move in a lively or restless manner, as an impatient horse; to caper; to prance; to frisk.


Tittup \Tit"tup\, n. The act of tittuping; lively, gay, or restless behavior or gait; a prance or caper. [Written also titup.]


n. A caper, or canter. vb. (context intransitive English) To prance or frolic; of a horse, to canter easily.

Usage examples of "tittup".

With the hotel dog tittuping ahead on three legs she wandered the wide dirt streets behind the main road in the mornings.