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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tithe \Tithe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Tithed; p. pr. & vb. n. Tithing.] [As. te['o]?ian.] To levy a tenth part on; to tax to the amount of a tenth; to pay tithes on.

Ye tithe mint and rue.
--Luke xi. 42.


Tithing \Tith"ing\, n. [AS. te['o]?ung.]

  1. The act of levying or taking tithes; that which is taken as tithe; a tithe.

    To take tithing of their blood and sweat.

  2. (O. Eng. Law) A number or company of ten householders who, dwelling near each other, were sureties or frankpledges to the king for the good behavior of each other; a decennary.


n. A rural division of land, originally corresponding to ten households under the frank-pledge system. vb. (present participle of tithe English)


A tithing or tything was a historic English legal, administrative or territorial unit, originally one tenth of a hundred, and later a subdivision of a manor or civil parish. The term implies a grouping of ten households (Scandinavian: ten = ti, assembly = thing). The tithing's leader or spokesman was known as a tithingman.

Usage examples of "tithing".

There are Records of tithing trains received, supplies stored, the list of injured dragons and men returning to active patrols.

But absence from a tithe meeting was potentially disastrous, as those attending would determine the tithing to be paid by those absent.

It was all she could do to make her legs move forward, to keep her fingers clasped around the sharp corners of the casket that held the tithing slips.

A young tithing, it had been granted the arid western end of a dismembered preman wilderness that once had been part of the Redrock reservation.

Even if they were somehow allowed to stay on at the tithing, they would never get permission for a child.

Crown wishes to leave the wardenship vacant just now so Charles can add yet a few more tithings to his coffers.

John Tinker Meadows knew that many in the congregation each Sunday were seeing the service in person for the first time, after years of faithful membership, generous tithing, much television viewing.

And as to your paying this Peter's pence-that's in addition to the tithing you do, isn't it?

We came to the aid of your troubled time, expecting to be recompensed and supported in proper fashion, but the manner and the amount of tithing rendered the Weyrs from Hold and Craft has left much to be desired.

He had always assumed that dragons and riders took care of themselves from tithings, but he was acquiring a great respect for the organization and management of such a facility.

It's been a life-saver, both to return unnecessary tithings and to buy in supplies.

And the tithings that had been so miserly, so grudgingly presented, would, under pain of firestoning, flow with decent generosity into the Dragonweyr.

It’s been a life-saver, both to return unnecessary tithings and to buy in supplies.